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1 Textes de Walter BENJAMIN (1892-1940) BENJAMIN, Walter, uvres I, II, III, éd. Gallimard, coll. Folio essais, Paris, 2000. BENJAMIN, Walter, ESSAIS 1, ESSAIS 2, éd. Denoël/Gonthier 1983. Préface Maurice de GANDILLAC. BENJAMIN, Walter, Schriften, Surkamp Verlag, Frankfurt, 1955 ; translated in Fredric JAMESON, Marxism and Form, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1971. BENJAMIN, Walter, Illuminations, Essays and Reflections. Edited by Hannah Arendt. Schoken Books, New York 1986. BENJAMIN, Walter, Reflections, Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings. Edited by Peter Demetz. Schoken Books, New York 1986. BENJAMIN, Walter, Sens Unique précédé de Enfance Berlinoise, éd. Maurice Nadeau. Coll. 10/18. Sept. 2000. BENJAMIN, Walter, One-Way Street and other Writings, Translated by E. Jephcott and K. Shorter. Vverso London,NY. Reprinted 1998, 2000. [All texts in this volume are included in Walter Benjamin, Gesammelte Schriften, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt, 1974-76.] BENJAMIN, Walter, One-Way Street and other Writings, New Left Books, 1979. BENJAMIN, Walter, The Arcades Project, éd. Belknap, Hardcover, Nov. 1999. BENJAMIN, Walter, The Complete Correspondence, 1928-1940, By Theodor ADORNO et al., Hardcover, Dec. 1999. BENJAMIN, Walter, Moscow Diary, Paperback, Oct. 1986. BENJAMIN, Walter, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction 2 Sur et autour de Walter Benjamin ADORNO, Theodor W., Über Walter Benjamin, Dir. Rolf Tiedemann, Surkamp Verlag, Frankfurt,1970. ADORNO, Theodor W., Sur Walter Benjamin. Ed. Allia 1999 et éd. Gallimard, coll. Folio essais, Paris, 2001. AGAMBEN, Giorgio, La communauté qui vient. Théorie de la singularité quelconque, Seuil, XXe siècle,Paris, nov. 1990. BAILLY, Jean-Christophe, Panoramiques. Éd. C. Bourgois, coll. Détroits, Paris, 2000. BUCK-MORSS, S.,The Dialectics of Seeing: Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Project, Cambridge. MA and London, MIT Press, London, 1989. CAYGILL, Howard, The Colour of Experience, Routledge, 1997. CAYGILL, Howard et al. Introducing Walter Benjamin, Paperback, Feb. 2001. CAYGILL, Howard, Walter Benjamin: The Colour of Experience, Paperback ,Oct. 1998. DERRIDA, Jacques, Force de loi. Ed. Galilée, oct. 1994. LESLIE, Esther, Walter Benjamin: Overpowering Conformism (Modern European Thinkers), Paperback, June 2000. LÖWY, Michael, Walter Benjamin : Avertissement dincendie. Une lecture des thèses "Sur le concept dhistoire". Ed. PUF, coll. Pratiques théoriques, Paris, mai 2001. MAYER, Hans, Walter Benjamin. Réflexions sur un contemporain. Ed. Le Promeneur, mai 1995. McCOLE, John, Walter Benjamin and the Antinomies of Tradition, Cornell University Press, 1993. MISSAC, Pierre, Passage de Walter Benjamin. Ed. du Seuil, coll. Esprit/Seuil, mars 1987. ROCHLITZ, Rainer, The Disenchantment of Art: The Philosophy of Walter Benjamin. Translation J.M. Todd, Paperback, March 1998. ROFES Octavi ed. et al., On Translation: The Audience, Paperback, March 2000. SCHOLEM, Gershom, Benjamin et son ange. Ed. Rivages Poche, avril 1995. [G.Scholem 1897-1982] _Histoire dune amitié_. Ed. Calmann-Lévy, 1981. STEINBERG Michael P., ed., Walter Benjamin and the Demands of History, Hardcover, July 1996. SZONDI, Peter, Walter Benjamins City Portraits, in On Walter Benjamin, ed. Gary Smith, MIT Press, 1988. WEIGEL, Sigrid, et al. Body And Image Space: Re-Reading Walter Benjamin , coll. Warwick Studies in European Philosophy, ed. Paperback, Nov. 1996. WITTE, Bernd, Walter Benjamin: An Intellectual Biography (Kritik: German Literary Theory and Cultural Studies), Trans. J. Rolleston, Sept. 1997. [The Walter Benjamin Research Syndicate] [benjaminiana interneti] [Critical Theory a-z] [An occasional Journal of Aesthetics and Politics. N°1, encounters with Walter Benjamin]. The Frankfurt School : Its History, Theories, and Political Significance, by Rolf Wiggershaus, translated by Michael Robertson,MIT Press : 1995. Review by David Weiniger featured in BBR March 1995. 3 Études critiques,
théorie politique, philosophie radicale |